
図1 初期配置

図2 駒の動かし方

図3 黒組・白組の関係図

Game Introduction

Game Introduction


Number of Players: 2 Game Duration: 5-10 minutes Age: 7 years and older

This is a chess-type game that uses three types of pieces: Knight King, Kirin, and Phoenix. You win by capturing one enemy Knight King.


How to Play

  1. Place black and white pieces on a 6x6 board (see Figure 1).

  2. Decide who will play black and who will play white.

  3. The player who wins Rock-Paper-Scissors starts by moving their piece, then players take turns moving their pieces.

Turn Progression

  • Move one of your pieces to a permissible square (see Figure 2).

  • You cannot move off the board or to a square occupied by your own pieces.

  • You can move to a square occupied by an enemy piece. In this case, you capture the enemy piece and place it off the board.

Winning Conditions

  • Capture one enemy Knight King.

  • Have two of your Knight Kings reach the goal (the last row of the enemy's territory).

Definition of Goal

A Knight King reaches the goal if it moves to the last row of the enemy's territory and is not captured on the opponent's next turn. The goaled Knight King is placed off the board.


Rescue Rule

When a Knight King reaches the goal, you can place one of your captured pieces on the goal square.


Other Rules

  • You cannot pass your turn.

  • If the same moves are repeated and the game is stalemated, it ends in a draw.




参加人数: 2人 対局時間: 5~10分 対象年齢: 7才以上






  1. 6x6の盤に黒と白の駒を配置します。(図1参照)

  2. 黒か白の担当を決めます。

  3. ジャンケンで勝った方から順に駒を移動させます。


  • 味方の駒を、移動可能なマスに動かします。(図2参照)

  • 盤外や味方駒のあるマスには動かせません。

  • 敵駒のあるマスに動かすと敵駒を捕まえ、自分の手元に置きます。


  • 敵の騎王を1個捕まえる。

  • 味方の騎王を2個ゴール(敵陣の最終列に到達)させる。


  • 騎王が敵陣の最終列に到達し、次の相手の手番で捕まえられなければゴールです。ゴールした騎王は盤外に置きます。


  • 騎王がゴールしたとき、捕まえられた味方駒を1個選び、ゴール地点に配置できます。


  • 手番をパスできません。

  • 同じ動きが続くと引き分けになります。

製作:さくらしょうぎ倶楽部        技術協力:あんちっく