fig. 1 Initial board setup.
fig. 2 How the pieces move.
(A=Air, B=Be, C=Can, K=King, Q=Queen, &=Ampersand)
Pieces of the same color are allies.
Players take turns making one move each.
There are six types of pieces.
Pieces A, B, and C can jump over other pieces, as shown in fig. 2.
The & piece can move two squares on its first move. It can move one square sideways only when capturing a piece.
The Q piece can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, but it cannot jump over other pieces.
The Q piece is a leader piece and must be protected from being captured.
The K piece can move one square in any direction.
The K piece is a leader piece and must be protected from being captured.
Refer to fig. 2 for more details.
The first player to capture one of the opponent's leader pieces (either Q or K) wins.
If the & piece reaches the last row, it can rescue one of the captured friendly pieces (A, B, or C) and redeploy it on the board.
Captured pieces cannot be used.
Players cannot pass their turn.
If the game reaches a stalemate with repeated moves, both players can agree to a draw.
K = King
Q = Queen
A = Air
B = Be
C = Can
& = Ampersand
The board is represented by 8 columns (a to h) and 8 rows (1 to 8). The bottom-left corner is a1, and the top-right corner is h8.
To move a piece, use the piece symbol + destination coordinates. Example: Ad3
(Air moves to d3).
Example: Cxh8
(Can captures a piece on h8).
Example: a8=B
(Ampersand reaches a8 and promotes to Be).
Check: +
Example: Cc3+
(Can moves to c3 and puts the opponent's king in check).
Checkmate: #
Example: Cc3#
(Can moves to c3 and checkmates the opponent's king).
To differentiate between two pieces moving to the same square, specify their original positions.
If one Air moves from d1 to c3: A(d1)c3
If another Air moves from b1 to c3: A(b1)c3
駒の救済(&が最終列に到達し、他の駒(B or C)を救済する動き):
チェック: +
チェックメイト: #