Hexagon @

fig.1 Initial Setup

fig.2 How to move the pieces(A=Air, B=Be, C=Can)

Game Introduction

Game Introduction

  • Number of Players: 2

  • Game Duration: 5-10 minutes

  • Age Range: 7 years and above

This is a chess-style game using three types of pieces (A, B, and C). The objective is to capture one of the opponent's A pieces to win.


How to Play

  1. Place the black and white pieces on a hexagonal board with 76767 cells (see Figure 1).

  2. Decide who will be black and who will be white.

  3. The winner of rock-paper-scissors moves first.

Turn Progression

  • Move your piece to an available cell (see Figure 2).

  • You cannot move to cells outside the board or to cells occupied by your own pieces.

  • Moving to a cell occupied by an opponent's piece captures it and places it in your possession.

Victory Conditions

  1. Capture one of the opponent's A pieces.

  2. Get two of your A pieces to the goal (the opponent's final row).

Goal Definition

An A piece reaching the opponent's final row and not being captured in the opponent's next turn is considered a goal. A scored A piece is placed outside the board.


Rescue Rule

When an A piece reaches the goal, you can select one of your captured pieces and place it at the goal location.


Other Rules

  • You cannot pass your turn.

  • If the same moves continue repeatedly, the game ends in a draw.




参加人数: 2人 対局時間: 5~10分 対象年齢: 7才以上






  1. 76767の六角形の盤に黒と白の駒を配置します。(図1参照)

  2. 黒か白の担当を決めます。

  3. ジャンケンで勝った方から順に駒を移動させます。


  • 味方の駒を、移動可能なマスに動かします。(図2参照)

  • 盤外や味方駒のあるマスには動かせません。

  • 敵駒のあるマスに動かすと敵駒を捕まえ、自分の手元に置きます。


  • 敵のAを1個捕まえる。

  • 味方のAを2個ゴール(敵陣の最終列に到達)させる。


  • Aが敵陣の最終列に到達し、次の相手の手番で捕まえられなければゴールです。ゴールしたAは盤外に置きます。


  • Aがゴールしたとき、捕まえられた味方駒を1個選び、ゴール地点に配置できます。


  • 手番をパスできません。

  • 同じ動きが続くと引き分けになります。