Jumping of the A

fig. 1    Initial board setup and how to be moving and jumping the pieces.

Game Introdaction

Aim All together Amazement !!!


Even though it's called shogi, there's only one type of piece.

The rules are easy to learn.

People of all ages, from children to adults, can enjoy it together.


You can connect two, three, or four boards to create a larger playing area.

Playing with everyone makes it 100 times more fun. "Jumping of the A"

Playing to be jumping of the A.

How to Play

Pieces of the same color are allies. Players take turns moving one piece at a time.


How the Pieces Move

There is only one type of piece. Red and white pieces can move in three directions forward. When enemy and ally pieces are adjacent diagonally (right or left) or forward, they can jump.


Winning Conditions

If all your pieces reach the enemy's territory, you win. (For white pieces, the enemy territory is the red area. For red pieces, it is the white area.)



If you cannot make a move, you can pass. If both players cannot move into the enemy territory and cannot make any more moves, it is a draw. You cannot capture pieces.

Jumping of the A3つの「A」ところ

  1. ねらって(aim)
  2. みんなで(all)
  3. びっくり(amazement)





みんなでやると、たのしさ100ばい、「Jumping of the A」

Jumping of the A あそびかた


  • いろがおなじものは、みかたです。
  • せんて・ごて、こうごに、1てずつさしていきます。



  • こまのしゅるいは、ぜんぶおなじで1しゅるい。
  • あか・しろのこまは、まえ3ほうこうにすすめます。
  • てき・みかたのこまが、ななめ(みぎ・ひだり)やまえに、
  • となりどうしになると、ジャンプすることができます。



  • すべてのみかたのこまが、てきじんについたらかちです。
  • (てきじんは、しろのばあいは、あかのじんち。あかのばあいは、しろのじんち。)



  • どうしてもさすことができなくなったら、パスすることができます。
  • おたがい、てきじんにうごけず、これいじょう、さすことができないばあい、ひきわけです。
  • こまをとることは、できません。